Thank You Tampa

This is essentially an appreciation post for how goddamn good the bike scene was during my time spent in Tampa. Thanks to numerous internet friends who connected me with Jorge, the proprietor of Bike Haus, I was able to spend a couple weeks with him and a wonderful peach while I explored the city, picked street fruit, and rode as many of the group rides as possible. This city quickly had a strong hold on me that was tough to break. Miss y’all. I’ll be back.

No Plans, Just Chaos

One of the foremost things a dirtbag riding across the country can do is to remain flexible and fluid.

Always prepared to rewrite the script at a moment's notice, whether it means detouring (or delaying) to avoid a storm, or spending an extra day in a town that wasn’t even on the original itinerary because the paths crossed with yours are the most goddamn interesting you’ve savored in a while.

Being open to new experiences means you’re more likely to find excuses to turn that rain day into something that’ll be treasured rather than reasons for regret.