“Speaks for itself” is an entertaining idiom to use for inanimate objects as they obviously cannot communicate verbally, yet can often provide a lectures worth of information from appearance alone. Beausage being my favorite word for this and one commonly used for bikes and related equipment. It’s what I’m reminded of anytime I’m unlucky enough to require the use of my Silca frame pump.
Getting a flat tire is never fun but I swear there’s something about just holding this damn thing that is satisfying. Impeccably well machined, works wayyy faster than you’d expect, and can be disassembled and serviced with a multi tool in less than a minute. This one has been on many of my bikes since May 2015 and has an absolutely gorgeous black-to-purple fade that I adore.
When heading out on the cargo bike tour I decided that every flat that this pump fixed would earn it a little notch. Each one a reminder of how hard it’s been working and all its successful conquests. Am currently at 21 (eight of which were across three days just outside of Tallahassee before I knew marathons didn’t like hookless rims 😬) and as much as I’m dreading it...I’m sure it’ll earn many more.