It all started with my cocky ass commenting something like “bet I could break this 😏” on the IG, but surprisingly they came back with a #challengeaccepted and we were off to the races! I received the Joyseat imprint kit when I was in Tampa in December and used it to generate a 3D model of this butt that all y’all on close friends know so very well. A few months later the saddle arrives, I mount it on the cargo, head out for the inaugural ride of a seat made 💯 for my curves, and then...confusion. It didn’t feel as comfortable compared other stock saddles I’ve ridden and certainly did not feel intimately familiar in the way I expected it to after the in depth customization process.
The initial commitment to giving it a proper thousand mile test before returning to my Brooks C19 went right out the window as I couldn’t seem to last even a couple hours without constant fidgeting to find the right position. Maybe it’s a saddle for a much more aggressive rider? Maybe it’s a saddle for bibs only? Maybe if you have problems finding the right seat for your booty this can be the solution?
If you know what you like and you like what you know, maybe it’s best to stick with that instead of going with what the science says. I’ll be saving this (granted, an impossibly lightweight beautifully constructed little thing) for one of my other bikes and will update if my feelings change. If you’re having saddle problems I feel bad for ya son, I usually only have 3-4 problems on any given day but thankfully my saddle wasn’t one.