Of the regular questions, “what’s the best city for riding bikes?” is a frequent one and I didn’t really have a solid answer until this summer spent in Vancouver during which I filled in well more than half the city and had the goddamn best time doing so. From the early mornings with @campcoffeeclub, to the afternoons and evenings spent rambling with @parkbaggingyvr, the @vancouver_critical_mass and hill climb party with @yvrfixed, and all my my nonsense noodles in between. I’ve never seen more people just _out on bikes_ in a city before nor have I seen more examples of well implemented traffic calming measures and bike lanes to and from places I *actually need to go.* I’d give ya a solid B+ for bikes, @cityofvancouver. It’s too bad your winters are typical PNW wet and grey otherwise you’d be a near perfect bike city.